10 blue roses
10 blue roses
Easily order a bouquet of 10 blue roses online and surprise someone with these unique roses! A hand-tied bouquet sent as a gift.
Amount of stems | 10 |
Stem length | 60 cm |
Origin | Ecuador |
Grower | Multiple |
Rose variety | Moonstone |
The blue roses are coloured using a biodegradable ink. The ink used for these roses is the same ink used for M&Ms, for example. So not harmful to nature! However, the ink may leak a little from the stem. The bouquet is sent with a fresh bag, containing rose food and water. If you put the roses in the vase, the water in the vase may also colour!
*These roses have a blue colour due to blue ink. As the roses colour, the leaves also colour, which is perfectly normal. The leaves of the rose may appear dry, which is also due to the colouring process and cannot be avoided. This also does not affect the vase life of the roses in the vase.