Red roses

Order red roses

Order fresh red roses, directly from the grower

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Choose your number of rosesChoose your number of roses

Choose the colour, variety and number of roses you want in your bouquet!

Roses for a birthdayRoses for a birthday

Surprise on a birthday with Surprose's roses. Schedule in advance with the desired delivery date!

Roses for your loveRoses for your love

Show your love with roses! Have a rose bouquet delivered and don't forget the greeting card!

If the rose is the queen of flowers, then the red rose is the queen of all roses. Red roses are the most well-known and have the most well-known meaning. Red roses are simply part of romance! Red roses are usually ordered by someone other than the person who will receive them. Red roses are most often bought as a gift for someone else. Hand-tied bouquets of roses by our experts and wrapped as a real gift.

Simply order your red roses online and have your roses delivered throughout the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium! Choose your desired delivery date in the calendar to schedule your delivery!

Beautiful XXL red roses of the Red Naomi variety

Red roses - Red NaomiRed roses - Red Naomi

Not every rose is an XXL rose. The Red Naomi rose has been given this label because it has a stem length of no less than approx. 65 cm! The Red Naomi rose is the most popular red rose and is often given on special occasions such as wedding days, Valentine's Day and birthdays. You can order anything from a single rose to 1001 roses of the Red Naomi rose! The Red Naomi rose is a classic rose in its shape and radiates ultimate love!

The most loved roses from Kenya: EverRed!

Red roses - EverRedRed roses - EverRed

The EverRed rose is grown in a nursery very close to the equator in Kenya. The roses get plenty of sun every day of the year, making them strong and large all year round. What makes the EverRed rose different from the Red Naomi rose is the shape of the rose petals. The shape of this rose is more playful, we also call it more flower-shaped. The leaves are not classically folded, but rather a bit rounder! Perfect for birthdays!

Red roses that we recommend

There are many bouquets with red roses. Here we will let you know which bouquets are most often ordered and which occasion they are best suited for. This way you can get some inspiration and decide what best suits you or your occasion!

  • Choose your number of red roses: you can choose how many roses you would like to order here. For a birthday, choose the age of the birthday boy or girl, but for your wedding day, choose the number of years you have been together!
  • 100 red roses: a huge bouquet, full of fresh red roses. Often given for anniversaries and just because, to show that you love the recipient. Note: many people do not have a vase for this, so it might be a good idea to take a look at our vases too!
  • 30 red roses with Moët & Chandon champagne: this is a beautiful, full bouquet of Red Naomi roses with champagne, for when there really is something to celebrate!

Order all the red rose numbers

You can choose how many roses you would like to order. You can order from a single rose with a matching vase or a set of 3 roses with a matching vase. You can choose how many roses you would like to order from 10 pieces. You can choose from all three types of red roses: Red Naomi, EverRed and Red Bentley! Some numbers also have a special meaning. We have listed the most important ones for you below:

Red roses with gypsophilaRed roses with gypsophila

Order an additional gift with your bouquet

Complete the gift by adding an extra gift to go with your bouquet of roses. Did you know that we tell you how many roses each vase can hold? And that if you order a Red Naomi rose, for example, you will need a taller vase than if you order an EverRed rose? Of course you don't want your beautiful bouquet of roses to fall apart in the vase, or for the roses not to have enough room to open up in the vase.

Would you prefer to add chocolate, champagne, wine or a cuddly toy to the bouquet? Of course, you can do that too. View all the gift items you can add to your bouquet. We also have a huge range of extras you can add!

Buying long-lasting red roses

Did you know that in addition to fresh roses that you put in water in a vase, we also have long lasting roses that you can enjoy for years? These are real roses that have been treated with a biodegradable substance that makes the rose stand still in time. We have burgundy roses with stems, but also as buds in a jewellery box or an acrylic box!

Send anonymous red roses

Would you like to anonymously send someone red roses? You can, and it's very simple. If you do not fill in your name on the greeting card and your details are not included in the delivery address, then you are anonymous. We will only send the invoice to you by email.

If the recipient wants to know who sent the bouquet, we will never disclose your details without your permission. If the recipient so wishes, we can ask you to contact them about the bouquet of red roses you sent. It is up to you whether you want to do this or not.

Benefits of ordering and sending red roses online

There are many benefits to ordering and having your bouquet of red roses sent to you online. When you order your bouquet from us online, we receive the flowers fresh from the grower for your order. Our florists then arrange the bouquet you have chosen and send your roses directly to you. This means the roses will be much fresher when they arrive at your home than if they had to go to wholesalers and florists before you came to pick them up. Other advantages are:

  • Choose your desired delivery date: you can choose a date on which you would like your bouquet to be delivered. This also allows you to plan ahead, so you won't forget!
  • Choose your delivery option: for delivery, you can choose between standard delivery during the day, a guaranteed delivery attempt during the day (Express) and, in the Netherlands, evening delivery! Choose the delivery method that suits you best!
  • Pay securely: pay easily and securely online with the most popular payment methods. These are: PayPal, MasterCard, Amex and VISA. You will know that everything has gone through when you receive the order confirmation with your order number.

Have red roses delivered for business purposes

Hand out roses at a school graduation, give them to your staff or your customers for a special occasion or send a bouquet for a colleague's birthday. Order your roses online at Surprose.

With a business account you can get a business discount when you order frequently. Please contact us so we can assess your account. You will also automatically receive a clear invoice by email, which you can CC to the appropriate financial department. The invoice will also clearly state the VAT.

Delivering large orders in the Netherlands? We can also do this with our own transport. This gives you certainty about delivery and we can make arrangements about times and such.

Everything about ordering for business and having it delivered can be found on the page: order roses for business.

FAQ about red roses

Which are the most beautiful red roses?

The red rose is the most well-known rose in the family, but which is the most beautiful red rose? The most beautiful red rose is the Red Naomi rose. This red rose exudes passion and romance. The Red Naomi can have a stem length of no less than 70 centimetres! At the top of this long stem is a very large red rosebud, which gives off a subtle rose scent. If this red rose is well cared for, it can last for more than 10 days in a vase.

How much do red roses cost each?

The EverRed red rose costs €1.95 each and the Red Naomi red rose costs €2.25 each at Surprose. These two rose varieties are of very high quality and come directly from the grower. The difference between these two roses is that the Red Naomi has a longer stem than the EverRed. The roses also differ in colour. The Red Naomi has a darker red colour than the EverRed.

How much do red roses cost?

That depends on the season, the type of rose and the number of red roses you want. 10 red roses cost €22.50, 20 red roses cost €39, 30 red roses cost €57, 50 red roses cost €99 and 100 red roses cost €169. These bouquets contain very high-quality red roses, bound by professional florists. In addition, the roses are delivered directly from the grower, ensuring they are extremely fresh.

What are the best quality red roses?

Surprose offers the best quality red roses. The Surprose range of red roses consists of the Red Naomi, Red Bentley and EverRed varieties. These red roses have a stem length of at least 60 centimetres! And they come from the best Dutch growers. Surprose delivers a bouquet of red roses directly from the grower, so the roses are delivered extremely fresh. Surprise your loved one with a bouquet of high-quality red roses from Surprose.

How much do 50 red roses cost?

A bouquet of 50 red roses costs €99. The red roses are of the species EverRed.

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