Surprose buys its roses directly from selected growers. This enables Surprose to offer just-in-time, fresh roses to private individuals, but also as a wholesaler to the business market. Would you like to order roses for business purposes at wholesale prices? Ask about the possibilities and call the sales department: +31 85 8225435. Are you looking for a wholesaler of fresh roses, directly from the grower? Then you are at the right address at Surprose. We select the best roses, worldwide, from carefully selected growers.
Our growers are all MPS A certified and grow as sustainably as possible. By keeping the chain as short as possible, Surprose is able to guarantee the freshness of the roses. By sending the roses directly from the growers to the bindery, we limit transport movements as much as possible. This benefits both the quality of the roses and our environment! Surprose binds all roses into bouquets itself and acts as a rose wholesaler for the corporate market. Looking for large numbers of roses, possibly packed per piece? At Surprose we can fill every need.
Roses, fresh from the grower, directly to the consumer

Are you personally looking for roses that come directly from the grower? Would you like to send a fresh bouquet of roses to a friend, a relative or someone else who deserves a bouquet of roses? All our rose bouquets are hand-tied and come fresh from the grower!
Fresh from the grower, directly to the business market

Do you want to order roses from wholesale? Order business fresh roses directly from the grower at Surprose. If you have special wishes for your order, you can always contact us to discuss this. Click below for more information on ordering roses with business purposes!
Due to the good contact we have and maintain with our growers, we can always get our roses fresh from the growers when the roses are ordered. The roses are freshly cut at the grower, then all roses ordered from us are collected. These roses are hand-tied and sent per order. This means that the freshest roses are sent to the recipient. Not only are these roses all fresh, but they are also of high quality! A large number of roses in our collection are premium roses. This does not only mean that the roses are very beautiful, it also means that the roses have a long vase life, provided they are well cared for after delivery. If you would like more tips on care, please read our blog: rose care. Below you will find much more information about some of our growers. Who they are, where the nursery is, how they deal with sustainability and much more. You can also watch the video we made at one of our growers. The video was made at the grower: Berg Roses. You will also find more information about this grower on this page!
Meewisse Roses (Bleiswijk, Nederland) Red Rose Red Naomi

At Meewisse Roses they do only one thing and they do it with conviction and expertise: growing roses. Since 1981, Aad Meewisse has been focusing entirely on growing roses. By only using the latest technologies, he has established a family business that now exclusively cultivates the Red Naomi variety. Every year, 25 dedicated employees ensure that over 13 million beautiful red roses leave Dutch greenhouses. All roses that are among the best in the world. Grown as sustainably as possible using organic crop protection. Tom, the founder's son, has inherited his father's enthusiasm and knows how to effortlessly convey it to his customers. He can't resist taking a daily walk among the roses... His eyes start to shine when he tells how satisfying it is to express the beauty of these roses to all the people who will eventually decorate their homes with them. Surprose consciously opts for Meewisse's Red Naomis because of their proven quality and reliable delivery.
Tom Meewisse: "We've known the people behind Surprose for years now and recognise that they fulfil a need among customers in both a fresh and modern way. I admire Surprose's transparency and business model and support their initiatives wholeheartedly. Surprose's core values are an excellent match for ours and we are proud that they have incorporated our red rose in their range." More about Meewisse Roses here:
Berg Roses (Delfgauw, Nederland) Avalanche varieties, Sophia Loren and Grassheart Roses
Growing roses has been in the genes of the van den Berg family since the year 1900. The family business is currently owned by the fourth generation, led by Arie van den Berg. Van den Berg Roses grows its roses on three continents. Surprose has consciously selected a number of varieties that come fresh from the Dutch greenhouse every day. The van den Berg greenhouses feature Japanese quails, which organically keep the rose bushes free from weeds and pests. This demonstrates the passion of this company perfectly: growing a top product that is cut by hand twice a day in a responsible manner. Surprose has made the following selection from the varieties grown by Berg Roses: Avalanche (multiple colours), Sophia Loren and several Grassheart varieties. Berg Roses is a reliable supplier of these varieties, always providing the best quality available.

Arie van den Berg:
"Watching the roses grow is the most satisfying thing in the world and introducing a new rose variety to the market is the crown jewel of our work. We grow our roses in greenhouses where we can regulate the climate, so that we can harvest top roses for our customers every day of the year, regardless of the season.
The fact that the Surprose specialists have selected us as a preferred supplier for a wide range of their collection is something we are very proud of. We wholeheartedly support the project and hope our many years of pleasant cooperation may contribute to the international success of Surprose." More about Berg Roses:

Rift Valley Roses (Aberdare-bergketen, Kenia) - Fresco Flowers
Rift Valley Roses (RVR) is a family business that was founded in 2011 by two brothers, Gordon and Stuart Millar. The brothers are from the third generation of Kenyan farming families from Scotland and have extensive experience in arable farming in East Africa.
The Rift Valley Roses nursery is 27 hectares in size and is located on the Aberdare mountain range at an altitude of 2,250 metres. The nursery has views of the Great Rift Valley and Lake Naivasha in Kenya.
It is a location that is perfect for growing roses. The roses grow in rich volcanic soils at high altitudes, under daily sunshine not far from the equator. Moreover, they have pure water from the higher Aberdare mountain range. These elements give the roses the energy they need to grow. As a result, the roses produce strong stems with intense colours for rose lovers all over the world, for every occasion.
By following the growth process in production and consistently improving all our processes, we strive for the maximum shelf life of our roses. This must be accompanied by good social management that also takes the environment into account. We work according to the Kaizen principle; a system that aims to promote employee involvement at all operational levels.
Our market focus is on the Royal FloraHolland flower auction. Fresco Flowers is our agent and takes care of everything as soon as the flowers have arrived in the Netherlands. They have a close working relationship with Surprose as well. Various colours have been specifically selected for Surprose.
Rift Valley Roses is constantly evolving and is committed to proactively responding to market changes in the rose industry. The online flower market is an excellent example of this. That's why we are delighted that the Surprose team has approached us and we look forward to a lasting collaboration to develop this initiative into a formula for success. More about Rift Valley Roses:

Naranjo ( Ecuador)

Naranjo is an exclusive rose grower from Ecuador. When Maryluz Naranjo founded Naranjo in 2001, she already had years of experience in the flower industry. With a mission to provide the highest quality roses worldwide, they are a perfect match with Surprose's philosophy. Ecuador is very conveniently located on the equator. As a result, the roses get sunshine all year round. The sun ensures that there is virtually no quality difference between the roses. For roses grown in countries that are not on the equator, the quality of the roses may be slightly lower in winter. With Naranjo, this is not the case and you can expect the highest quality roses even in winter.
Naranjo is a progressive and modern grower that is constantly improving. With more than 500 people, they are working every day to send the best roses worldwide, so the roses will look beautiful in everyone's vase. So when you order a bouquet of roses from Ecuador, you can be sure that you will get the most beautiful fresh roses that will stand in the vase for a long time to come.
Naranjo, just like Surprose, considers sustainability of paramount importance. That is why Naranjo also has 6 certificates for the sustainable way they grow the roses and ship them worldwide. This allows you to buy roses from Ecuador without unnecessarily burdening the environment.
High-quality premium roses from Ecuador
Surprose has several premium roses from Ecuador by Naranjo in its range. Because there are so many colours, you are sure to find a beautiful rose from Naranjo to give as a gift.
- The white rose - This rose has a beautiful and pure white colour suitable for many occasions, such as weddings and wedding days.
- The salmon-coloured rose - This rose represents gratitude and appreciation. These roses are therefore perfect to give as a thank-you gift for someone or just when you greatly admire someone.
- The pink roses - Surprose has two types of pink roses in its range. A dark pink rose and a soft pink rose. The dark pink represents gratitude and the soft pink represents happiness.
The roses from Ecuador by Naranjo are also available from Surprose in a mixed bouquet. So you always have a colourful and festive gift for every occasion!

Timaflor, “Growing roses is our hobby”
Simon van der Burg, owner of the Timaflor nursery, started his rose business in Kenya in 2006 and now owns approx. 120 hectares of roses. The nursery is located near the equator, on the slopes of Mount Kenya, at an elevation of 2,350 metres! This part of Kenya sees a lot of sun and little rain, which makes it the ideal climate for growing roses all year round.
Reliability of Roses
What is the secret behind Simon's boundless ambition? “You have to keep your work fun and simple. And you should have hobbies.” smiles Simon. "It gives me great satisfaction to manage and delegate people. In addition, my main concern is reliability and the quality of the roses. My employees are busy all day. After all, roses need to be cut. Here in Kenya, I am in charge of six gardens and two thousand Kenyan staff. All the gardens I own are similar in terms of layout, which allows me to keep a good overview of things.
In addition, together with all my employees and partners, I do everything I can to engage with natural resources in a socially responsible manner." Timaflor supports various international initiatives for sustainably grown roses. The most well-known include: KFC and MPS GAP. In addition, Timaflor is part of the larger Timau community and helps finance schools, medical support, youth, clothing and sports. Timaflor also ensures better infrastructure and safety, making hard-to-access areas accessible. "This also helps protect the area, in which we are members of the Timau Community Police. Partly because of this, we have been able to develop a safe living and working environment."
Each Rose Variety Is Different
"I have grown and marketed all kinds of flowers, but the rose is truly unique. There are a thousand varieties of roses in the colours pink, white, red, orange and yellow, with each one being different. Roses are very diverse. One advantage of roses is also that you can produce them in large quantities." Timaflor grows about 30 varieties of roses, which are mainly sold at Dutch auctions. "Our only agent in the Netherlands is Fresco Flowers; they take care of everything as soon as the flowers arrive in the Netherlands.
We have little experience with the online flower market, but predictions by various experts tell us there are plenty of opportunities for growth. That's precisely why we are pleased that Surprose has approached us and we look forward to great cooperation to surprise the consumer (national/international) with beautiful roses."
More about Timaflor: