10 salmon-coloured roses - Avalanche Peach

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Salmon-coloured bouquet

10 salmon-coloured roses, a perfect gift for any occasion and for anyone who loves pastel shades.

More Information
Amount of stems 10
Stem length 60 cm
Origin Nederland
Grower v. d. Berg Roses
Rose variety

Avalanche Peach

Order now from Surprose this salmon-coloured bouquet of 10 beautiful roses. This bouquet is a perfect gift for any occasion and suitable for anyone who loves pastel shades. Give these roses as a gift on a birthday, as a thank you, or as a gesture of love. These salmon-coloured roses are of the Avalanche Peach variety and are grown by v. d. Berg Roses in the Netherlands for Surprose. Due to the long stems of these roses, namely about 60 centimetres, these roses look best in a tall narrow vase. Due to the subtle colour of these roses, they will make a beautiful bouquet in any interior. We also have these roses available in bouquets with other numbers. For example, in a bouquet of 20, 30 or 50 Avalache Peach roses, but also in a bouquet of 20 roses tied with panicum. Our roses are always sent in our luxury packaging. This means that our roses are tied in the box, so they do not shift or get damaged during transport. A freshbag with moisture and minerals is also added to the bottom of the stems of the roses to keep them fresh during transport. Ship top-quality roses with Surprose!

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