100 till 499 white roses (Snowstorm)
100 to 499 white roses
A maximum of 100 roses fit in 1 bouquet. More roses are therefore sent in multiple boxes!
Stem length | 60 cm |
Origin | Kenya |
Grower | Ol Njorowa |
Rose variety | Snowstorm |
You can easily order from 100 to 499 white roses of the rose variety Snowstorm here. The rose comes from Kenya and is very similar to the Dutch white rose: the Avalanche rose. The difference is that the roses in Kenya get sun all day, which makes the rose very strong and allows you to enjoy it for a long time. Both roses are of good quality. The Avalanche rose is better known because this rose is often used in big events. However, it does not detract from this strong Kenyan rose!
Want to add a red rose to your order?
For a special year or occasion, you can add one or more red roses to your order. This is possible once you have added the number of roses to your shopping basket. You can do this by clicking on ‘view shopping basket’ in your shopping basket. Then add one or more roses to your order. Do you have other specific wishes? Please contact us! Changes after your order has been confirmed are only possible to a limited extent.