100 till 499 yellow roses
Choose the number of roses in your bouquet
Our bouquets are hand-tied and can contain a maximum of 101 roses. Bouquets with more roses are bound and sent as separate bouquets.
Stem length | 50 cm |
Origin | Kenya |
Grower | Timaflor |
Rose variety | Good Times |
Surprose gives you the opportunity to order roses in quantities up to 500 pieces. These yellow roses are also available in any number up to 500 pieces. These yellow roses are from the Good Times variety and are grown by Timaflor in Kenya. The stem length of these roses is about 50 centimeters, which makes these roses a special gift in any number. Order here these yellow roses in a quantity from 102 up to 500 pieces. Or order here these yellow roses in a number up to 101. Order these roses to give as a bouquet or to give every colleague 1 rose for example. These yellow roses bring joy to every occasion. Surpass yourself now and order these yellow roses in a number larger than 101! Surprise someone with the beautiful roses of Surprose.
Would you like to add a white or red rose to your order?
For a special year or occasion you can add one or more white or red roses to your order. This is possible if you have added the number of roses to your shopping basket. You can do this by clicking on "View and edit Cart" in your shopping cart. Then add one or more roses to your order.
(Only available together with other roses from our collection)
This rose variety will be cut especially for your order at our grower(s). Subsequent changes to a confirmed order are limited.