Rose bouquet Paloma with pink gypsophila
A beautiful gift!
These white-pink roses are the ideal gift for lovers of a soft but exceptional colour. These roses are of the Paloma variety and are characterised by the special leaves of the rosebud. The white leaves have a true pink edge to them, creating a white yet pink bouquet.
Amount of stems | 15 |
Stem length | 50 cm |
Origin | Kenya |
Grower | Ol Njorowa |
Rose variety | Paloma |
These 15 roses are grown by Ol Njorowa in Kenya for Surprose and are always directly available. This means, ordered before 14.00h, is the next working day in the house. The stems of these roses are about 50 centimetres long, so this bouquet will stand out well in a spacious vase that allows the rosebuds to bloom fully. Give this bouquet as a gift for a birthday, an anniversary, as a thank you or to say sorry. This bouquet is suitable for every occasion and will always be appreciated for its special radiance. Give these roses as a gift and make them an eye-catcher in every interior. Surprise yourself with Surprose!