Add gypsophila to your bouquet
Add gypsophila to your bouquet!
By adding this product to your order, we'll add 5 branched of gypsophila to your bouquet. Have you come across to a bouquet of your liking, but you would want to add gypsophila to this bouquet, you are able to do that with this product.
Amount of stems | 5 |
Specials | Hand-tied in your chosen bouquet |
Rose variety | Gypsophila |
- 5 branches of gypsophila
- Will be hand-tied in your bouquet
We have multiple bouquets that exist out of multiple or only one rose variety, where we added no greenery or gypsophila. But if you would like there to be gypsophila, you do easily do that now!
Arrange your bouquet yourself by adding gypsophila to your bouquet. If you put this product in your shopping basket, you will receive the desired bouquet with the 5 gypsophila branches already tied in. So basically you don't have to do anything yourself! The bouquets are lovingly hand-tied by our flower binders.