10 Rose Facts
The most popular flowers in the world impress with their beauty, intense colour and with their magically sweet and refreshing rose scent. Roses embellish any home, fitting into both classic and modern interiors. Nowadays we don't just give a bouquet of red roses as a gift. Bouquets with yellow, white, blue, black, and even bouquets with rainbow roses have become indispensable. Surprose is your personal rose expert, we deliver these bouquets with the most exclusive varieties, always of the very best quality. Want to know more about our roses? We are happy to share our passion, knowledge, and experience with you through these 10 rose facts.
#1 Flower vase
Did you know that every rose prefers fresh lukewarm water and a clean glass vase? You see, pottery vases have small pores where there can be bacteria, which affect the lifespan of the roses. The larger the opening of the glass vase and the lighter the roses sit, the longer the bouquet stays in full splendour. You will find more about the care of roses here.
#2 The perfect location
Did you know that the location of the rose vase of is very important for durability? Roses don't like the blazing sun, the warmth of a heater or stove, or draughts. In order to flower optimally, roses like to stay cool at a constant temperature.
Don't put your roses next to ripening fruit, since ripening fruit produces a gas, ethylene, that accelerates the ripening of any fruit nearby. But it also accelerates "ripening" and thus the wilting of the roses.
#3 Rose family

Did you know that fruit plants such as strawberry, raspberry, pear, apple and plum also belong to the rose family? The Rose family, Rosaceae, is a plant family with about 2950 species within 91 genera, so the Rose family also produces a lot of edible fruit. More about the rose and its history can be found in the blog 'Roses as a perfect gift'.
#4 Rose Nutrition
Did you know that the flower food supplied by Surprose contains a mixture of sugar and adhesive? Rose nutrition is needed to prevent buckled stems and to optimally support the flowering of the rose buds. That's why the rose food, in the form of a powder, contains a mixture of sugar and adhesive. The sugar provides energy through carbohydrates that keep the flowers in full bloom for days. And the adhesive prevents the rose stems from sticking together.
#5 Peonies
Did you know that peonies produce natural sugars? These natural sugars are coated around the bud. That's why the peonies sometimes have some difficulty in blooming open. Would you like to give them a hand? Then rinse the buds with lukewarm water, upside down. Chances are that your peony will flower within two to three days! Want to know more about peonies? If so, read more about peonies.
#6 Roses by the piece
Did you know that the number of roses you give someone has a special meaning? When you give someone one single rose you seal your relationship with it. You mean to say, 'I still love only you'. If you give one loose rose, in another colour than red, it is a thank you. At Surprose you can choose your own number of roses which means you can also order roses per piece if you buy 10 or more. It is also possible to order 1 or 3 individual roses. This way you can order the right number of the most beautiful roses for every occasion.
#7 Myths and roses
Did you know that there are different myths that refer to the origin and use of roses? Roses as a symbol of love probably stems from the myth of Adonis. After this, red roses became the symbol of eternal love and, as a result, frequently given on days like Valentine's Day.
#8 The symbolism of the colour
Did you know that the colours of the different roses are symbolic? Hence, red roses are a symbol of love, but not only red roses have a symbolism. Blue roses symbolise mystery, blue is also the colour of rebellion. Yellow roses are ideal for giving to friends and offering green roses as a gift represents freshness and amazement. More about the symbolism can be found in the blog 'The meaning of rose colours'.
#9 From the 16th century onwards
Did you know that people have known about roses in the Netherlands since the sixteenth century. In those days, roses were mainly grown in formal palace gardens. In 1829, there were already 2562 different types of roses. However, it is possible that the cultivation of roses originated around 5000 years ago near the Indus Valley or in China.
#10 Rose fragrance
Did you know that the sweet scent of roses is sometimes so strong that it is almost intoxicating? This intoxicating scent makes a deep impression and stimulates a host of feelings. Of course, love is central to this, meaning that rose fragrance has been used since time immemorial. Rose water is distilled in the perfume industry, BUT it is also important for the pharmaceutical industry.
Did you already know these rose facts? Would you like to know more about your favourite flower? In our blogs we tell more about roses, the symbolism, the different colours, caring for roses and about the process from the rose grower to the vase. We do our best to share our knowledge, experience, and passion with you. After reading this, have you found the perfect gift? If so, why not into have a look at our webshop to find the perfect bouquet? After all, giving roses as a gift is always a good idea. Would you also like to add a luxury gift, such as a bottle of champagne or a box of Lindt chocolate, to your bouquet of roses?