Bouquet of lavender-coloured roses with panicum and eucalyptus
Bouquet of lavender-coloured roses with panicum and eucalyptus
This exclusive lavender rose is a real eye-catcher in any interior!
Amount of stems | 15 |
Stem length | 50 cm |
Origin | Kenya |
Grower | Altima - Timaflor |
Rose variety | Memory Lane |
This lilac rose is of the Memory Lane variety and is tied by hand in this bouquet together with panicum and eucalyptus to make the bouquet complete. This rose variety is cultivated by Altima and Timaflor in Kenya. A lavender-colored rose is not something you see every day and has a very special colour, which makes this rose a beautiful gift. This Memory Lane has virtually no thorns! This bouquet with only purple roses has a length of about 50 centimeters and is bthe most beautifull in a medium sized vase, which gives the rose buds all the space to bloom open. Give one of our wine, champagne or chocolatec as a gift to complete the gift. For example, give a wine as a gift for a birthday, a champagne for an anniversary or a chocolate with a thank you. The wide range of Surprose offers you the opportunity to put together a perfect gift. Surprise now by ordering and sending these purple roses with Surprose or enjoy this exceptional bouquet in your own living room!