Mix of 30 pink roses
Pink rose mix
A bouquet full of pink roses. This bouquet is a mix of 30 pink roses, consisting of three different rose varieties. Perfect for occasions like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, a birthday or simply to surprise someone.
Amount of stems | 30 |
Stem length | 50 cm |
Origin | Kenya |
Grower | Timaflor and Ol Njorowa |
Rose variety | Paloma - Sweet Revival - Pink Tacazzi |
These roses come fresh from the grower and are packed with a fresh bag. This ensures that the roses arrive fresh at the recipient. The roses are wrapped in a gift box, so your roses will be sent as a gift! Write your personal message in the field, which will be printed on the free card that comes with your order. If you don't do this, the recipient will not know from whom the beautiful roses come. Do you want to add something extra to your order, to surprise the recipient even more? That's possible, we have delicious chocolate, wine, champagne and much more!