Mixed bouquet spray roses white/cream
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A beautiful mixed white/cream bouquet
A mix of spray roses, gypsophila and white roses from Ecuador. The playful affect of the spray roses is combined with the playful effect of the gypsophila and botanical roses from Ecuador!
Amount of stems | 15 |
Stem length | 50 cm |
Origin | The Netherlands - Ecuador |
Grower | Voorn Roses - Naranjo |
A playful bouquet, a mix of large roses and spray roses in white and cream with gypsophila. So if you definitely don't like sleek and classic, this playful bouquet is perfect for you! It brings life to the room and fills your vase with joy! Attached to a spray rose are several smaller roses, giving you a vase full of roses, mix that with some larger roses and you get a beautiful whole. Roses from Ecuador are also called botanical roses. This is because of the appearance of the rose petals and the way they are grown.