Bouquet pink spray roses
A special gift for someone special
Order for yourself or give this beautiful bouquet as a gift. This bouquet consists of 10 stems of pink spray roses, counting several rosebuds per stem. Pink roses are a perfect gift for women, because pink roses radiate passion and elegance. Also, this bouquet of spray roses will bring colour to any living room.
Amount of stems | 10 |
Stem length | 60 cm |
Origin | The Netherlands |
Grower | Dümmen Orange |
The stem length is approximately 60 centimetres, making this bouquet a decorative highlight in any suitable large vase. This bouquet of pink spray roses is not the only bouquet of spray roses that we offer in our wide range. Take a look at our spray roses and find our rainbow spray roses or our pastel mix spray roses. In other words, Surprose makes sure that there is a suitable bouquet for everyone. All our bouquets are delivered in a special packaging including rose food and a free card. On this card you can write a personal message to let others know from whom and why you are giving this beautiful bouquet of pink spray roses. Surprise by giving this gift or enjoy this beautiful colourful bouquet yourself in your own living room.