Rose bouquet pink-red
Mixed bouquet pink-red
The colour combination of this pink - red bouquet gives the bouquet a classic look, making it a suitable gift for any occasion. Think of events such as a wedding, birthday, anniversary or as a thank-you gift. Surprise everyone with this exceptional colour combination by giving this bouquet as a gift.
Amount of stems | 20 |
Stem length | 50 cm |
Origin | Kenya |
Grower | Ol Njorowa, Timaflor and Rift Valley Roses |
Rose variety | Paloma - Sweet Revival - EverRed - Revival |
This pink-red bouquet consists of the rose varieties Paloma, Sweet Revivial, Revival and EverRed which colour from soft pink to deep red. These beautiful roses are grown by Ol Njorowa, Timaflor and Rift Valley Roses, all from Kenya. These roses from Kenya are always directly available and when ordered before 14:00, will be delivered tomorrow. The roses have a stem length of 50 centimetres, so they will look great in the right vase. Do not forget to add a personalised message. This text will be added on a free card together with the rose food to the box in which the bouquet will be delivered. Would you like to make your gift even more special? Then choose this bouquet including red wine to take your appreciation to an even higher level.