Because of the wide range of roses Surprose has a suitable bouquet for every occasion. Surprose delivers the roses throughout the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The roses are exclusively of high quality from recognized rose growers. The roses are packaged and delivered in a gift box. With every order you will receive a free Surprose greeting card. Surprose provides the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany with beautiful rose bouquets.
Roses for a special occasion:
Ship a birthday bouquet with Surprose
Let Surprose help you give a beautiful birthday present. Because of the wide range of Surprose, there is a beautiful bouquet for everyone. Besides roses it is also possible to buy extras at Surprose to complete the gift. Think of a bottle of wine, chocolate, champagne, vases and other accessories. The order is delivered in a gift box at the desired delivery address. At Surprose it is possible to indicate a desired delivery date.
Bridal bouquet deliveries
The rose is the most common flower at a wedding. The rose also stands for love, happiness, joy and affection. The red rose is very appropriate for a wedding. The meaning of the red rose is love and respect. The white rose is also very appropriate for a wedding. The meaning of the white rose is purity, dignity and true love. The more roses the better. Let the love shine through.
Send a bouquet to say thank you
Do you want to thank someone? Say thank you with a bouquet of roses from Surprose! A thank you in the form of the most beautiful roses. With each order you'll receive a free greeting card to get your message across. A carefully packaged gesture that gives the recipient a special feeling. The roses are hand-tied by us in the bindery. With the roses of Surprose you can say thank you, which can only be conveyed in person.
“I’m sorry” - roses from Surprose
Is it time for apologies? Then give away roses from Surprose as compensation! An apology in the form of the most beautiful roses, carefully wrapped, makes a good start and gives a special feeling of value to the recipient. At Surprose it is possible to add a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine to the order to complete the apology.