The queen of flowers and the queen of roses is of course the red rose. When someone talks about a rose, it's easy to think of a classic red rose. The Red Eye rose is a very special, but also exclusive rose that is less known and that might not come to mind when talking about red roses. The Red Eye rose is more reminiscent of a wild rose like the Magic Vuvuzela, the Vuvuzela or the Shades of Grey. Yet this rose is different from all other roses.
Classical red roses are for example the Red Naomi, the EverRed or the Upper Class. As you can see from the picture, this is not a classic rose. The Red Eye is a Grassheart rose. Had you heard of it before? You can probably see immediately what makes this red rose different from all the other classic red roses mentioned above. The heart of this rose is very clearly visible, while in a classic rose you don't see it so easily. The name of this series of roses says it all: 'Grassheart roses'. The green heart of the rose.
The Red Eye rose
As already mentioned, the RedEye is a very exclusive rose. Besides the visible core of the rose, its bright red colour is also very special. However, this does mean that the roses are not immediately available. Most roses in our range are available the next day, provided they are ordered Tuesday to Friday before 5pm. For this exclusive rose we need a delivery time of 2 to 3 working days. When you order this rose from us, the roses will be ordered from the grower especially for you. The grower will deliver the roses, where we collect all our roses that have been ordered. The roses will then arrive fresh at our flower arrangers who will make a hand-tied bouquet of them. The roses will be wrapped in paper and a fresh bag. This contains rose food and water to ensure that the roses arrive as fresh and beautiful as possible to you or the recipient you have passed on. Would you like to see the whole process? Watch our video about the whole process of our roses here!

Directly from the grower
The Red Eye rose is grown by grower Dümmen Orange. When they discovered the rose they knew they had something very special on their hands. Another fun fact about this rose is that most roses need 6 weeks to reach the right stage of maturity, but this rose needs 7 weeks. The big advantage this rose has over most other roses is that its vase life is convincingly long. If the rose is well cared for in the vase, it can last up to 16 days! 16 days is extremely long for a rose! Do you want this too? Check out our extensive tips on caring for your roses at the vase. The roses have a stem length of about 60 centimetres and only appear in one bouquet. This is of course because it is a very exclusive rose, which we want to let shine in its own mono-bouquet. This means that the Red Eye is in a bouquet with only this rose variety and is not mixed with other rose varieties.
The RedEye rose can no longer be found in our bouquets. Please contact us for options.