Offers - Rose bouquets
Roses are natural products, which is why we have different offers in different seasons. We are always in close contact with our growers to see which roses are the strongest at that moment and therefore also look the longest beautiful in your home in a vase. Surprose roses are always of high quality and are packed in beautiful gift packaging. Our roses are therefore also very suitable as a gift for a birthday or wedding anniversary, for example. Is the perfect bouquet for you not listed here? Take a look at our page "Order roses". Here you will find a wide range of different kinds of rose bouquets.
Ordering roses in autumn
How nice it is when it gets colder outside and when you are cosy at home with a beautiful bunch of roses on the table. Surprose roses are perfect for this. Surprose also has special autumn bouquets and autumn offers. On this page, you can take a look at our special offers for this beautiful season. Would you prefer a bouquet with a specific number of roses? Then go to our "choose your own number" page.
Freshness of the roses
Attention! These roses are available for sale, but this does not mean they are less fresh! The products are season dependent, so sometimes there is a surplus of roses available. To let you benefit from this we offer them at a sharp price. The roses on sale are always as fresh as the roses without discount.

Roses with champagne
Order now a fixed combination of roses and champagne and save on the price. Roses and champagne are a wonderful gift to give on different occasions. Think for example of an anniversary, birthday or wedding.
Roses with chocolate
In our sale there are also pre-assembled rose bouquets with chocolates available. Take advantage now of a favorable discount by choosing a product with a fixed composition. Save by ordering roses with chocolate in the sales category.