Three black roses, including vase
Three black roses with vase
Enjoy the real black roses of Surprose!
Amount of stems | 3 |
Origin | The Netherlands |
Grower | Multiple |
Rose variety | Red Naomi |
Real pitch-black roses, you don't see that often. These black roses are original red Red Naomi roses. The red premium roses are best suited to dye them black. This is because the Red Naomi roses are of very high quality, in addition, the Red Naomi roses are large and have a long vase life.
*These roses have a black colour due to black ink. As the roses colour, the leaves also colour with them, which is perfectly normal. The leaves of the rose may appear dry, this too is due to the colouring process and cannot be avoided. This also does not affect the vase life of the roses in the vase.