Three blue roses, including vase
Three blue roses
Three blue roses, grass and a glass vase, perfect for this number of roses. Give a complete gift with this bouquet to surprise someone, but also to take care of them! The recipient does not have to put in any extra effort for the gift they have received.
Amount of stems | 3 |
Stem length | 60 cm |
Origin | The Netherlands |
Grower | Multiple |
Rose variety | Vendela |
Blue roses are of course already very special. Why send blue roses? Blue roses are sent for the birth of a baby boy or simply to someone who loves the colour blue. If you know that the recipient likes the colour blue, you won't go wrong with this gift!
*These roses have a blue colour due to blue ink. As the roses colour, the leaves also colour with them, which is perfectly normal. The leaves of the rose may appear dry, this too is due to the colouring process and cannot be avoided. This also does not affect the vase life of the roses in the vase.