Bridesmaid bouquet that matches your bridal bouquet but is not exactly the same. That's the idea with a bouquet for your bridesmaids. The bouquet for your bridesmaid is smaller than yours, but is bound from the same roses. The bridesmaid's bouquet can therefore only be ordered with the bridal bouquet from the same collection.
Ordering a bridesmaid bouquet to go with your wedding bouquet
The wedding bouquet should of course stand out the most, not the bouquets held by the bridesmaids at your wedding. The bridesmaids are meant to match the bride, as it is of course her special day. However, it is nice that the bridesmaids' bouquets have the same colour or style as the bridal bouquet itself.
Our designer has thought of that. Each bridal bouquet, has its own smaller version, for the bridesmaids. The bouquets of the bridesmaids and/or groomsmen are made from the roses that were also used in the bridal bouquet. So the bridesmaids' bouquets are not the same, but they are in the same style and colour(s). See below some bridal bouquets and the corresponding bouquet for your bridesmaid:
Your wedding is one of the most special days of your life and every bride wants everything to be perfect down to the last detail. From the venue to the dress, from the music to the flowers - every detail has to be right. One of the most crucial parts of the decoration is the flowers, especially the bridal bouquet. But let's not forget the bridesmaids! Their bouquets play an important role in the whole picture and add harmony and beauty to the ceremony.
Why roses for your bridesmaids' bouquet?
Roses have been a symbol of love and beauty for centuries. They are the ideal choice for a wedding because of their versatility and the many colours and shapes they are available in. Whether you choose classic white roses, romantic pink roses, or elegant lavender-coloured roses, they will suit almost any colour scheme and theme.
What should you look out for in bridesmaid bouquets?
These bouquets were designed by Master Floral Designer: Peter van der Sluis. He understands flowers, flowers at events and has helped many couples with the flowers at their weddings, including the royal couple of the Netherlands!
He designed everything in our bridal collection to match. Three styles and three different colours of the most common trends in floral arrangements for weddings.
We took into account the most important apects:
- The style of the bridal bouquet matches the bridesmaids' bouquet;
- The colours match and fit the themes of current trends;
- The bridesmaid bouquet is smaller than the bridal bouquet;
- The bouquets are light and comfortable to hold throughout the day.
How do I order a bridesmaid bouquet?
Ordering a bridesmaid bouquet is easy and completely tailored to your needs. First choose your bridesmaid bouquet from our collection. During the ordering process, you can select the option for matching bridesmaid bouquets. Our designers will then ensure that the bouquets are made in the same style and colour as your bridal bouquet. Do you have special wishes? Contact us for personal advice.
Why are bridesmaid bouquets important?
Bridesmaid bouquets are more than just an accessory. They form a harmonious whole with the bridal bouquet and contribute to the aesthetic of the wedding. Bridesmaids' bouquets are little bridal bouquets, so to speak. Here are some reasons why bridesmaid bouquets are a must:
- Visual consistency: bridesmaid bouquets that match the bridal bouquet in style and colour create a visually appealing and cohesive whole. This shows up especially well in photographs.
- Symbolism: carrying bouquets by the bridesmaids symbolises their support and love for the bride on her special day.
- Beauty: flowers beautifully complement the bridesmaids' dresses and add a touch of natural beauty to the ceremony.
For the bridesmaids' children at the wedding
Involving the bridesmaids in the wedding but a small bridal bouquet is not an option? For the young bridesmaids (or boys) you want to involve in the wedding, it is a wonderful idea to order rose petals. Matching the style and colour of your bridal bouquet and bridesmaids' bouquets, you can order rose petals for the little ones to scatter. The rose petals are there to scatter in the aisle leading to the altar, for example. This way, the little ones also have an important role to play in making the wedding one! You order the rose petals in these colours:
- White rose petals
- Salmon-coloured rose petals
- Soft pink rose petals
- Pink rose petals
- Red rose petals
- Mixed rose petals (all colours listed above)
What makes our bridesmaid bouquets unique?
Our bridesmaid bouquets are designed by an experienced floral designer, who pays attention to every detail. We use only the freshest and highest-quality roses from recognised growers. Each bouquet is hand-tied and coordinated with your bridal bouquet, creating a beautiful ensemble that will make the day unforgettable.
More bridal flowers
Besides the bridal bouquet and bouquets for your bridesmaids, there is of course much more to decorate your wedding. Think of centerpieces as bouquets to place at the altar or near the entrance. Or table centerpieces in small vases that you can spread over the table at dinner. Below, you can look at the entire bridal collection by colour to see what suits your bridal bouquet!
Order bridesmaids bouquet FAQ
What is the difference between a bridal bouquet and a bridesmaid bouquet?
The bridal bouquet is larger and more striking, as it is the centrepiece of the flowers at the wedding. A bridesmaid's bouquet is smaller and more subtle, but is made in the same style and using the same roses as the bridal bouquet.
What flowers are used in bridesmaid bouquets?
The bridesmaid bouquets are tied with the same roses used in the bridal bouquet. This makes for a harmonious whole.
What if I want to involve young bridesmaids in the ceremony?
For young bridesmaids' children, you can order rose petals in matching colours. They can sprinkle these in the aisle to the altar, creating an extra special moment.
What styles and colours are available?
Our bridal collection offers three different styles in popular colour themes to match the most common trends for weddings. These styles have been carefully designed by our floral designer.
Are the bouquets comfortable to hold?
Yes, the bridesmaid bouquets are specially designed to be light and comfortable to hold easily throughout the day.