White rose bouquet with bear grass
Special hand-tied bouquet of roses
White roses are known to radiate dignity, purity and loyalty. This is particularly well expressed in this bouquet of white roses with mountain grass. These white roses are from the high-quality rose variety Avalanche and are grown by v. d. Berg Roses in the Netherlands.
Amount of stems | 20 |
Stem length | 60 cm |
Origin | The Netherlands |
Grower | v. d. Berg Roses |
Rose variety |
The elegance of these roses with beregrass will make this bouquet a suitable gift for any occasion or event. The soothing white colour of the roses will make this bouquet a wonderful eye-catcher in any interior. Is this white bouquet a festive gift? Then choose to add a bottle of wine or champagne, for example! If it is a gift to say thank you or sorry, check out our chocolates to make this gift even more special. This bouquet will be received with pleasure by everyone. When sending this bouquet to someone else, don't forget to fill in your personal wish text, so it will be visible on the free card that is added to the packaging of this bouquet.