Winter bouquet pink roses + free glass vase
Romantic winter bouquet of pink roses
Winter offer: now with free glass vase "Aafke" worth € 7.95 (that's the vase in the picture)
Stem length | 50 cm |
Origin | Kenya |
Grower | Timaflor |
Specials | Free glass vase |
Rose variety | Sweet Revival |
Would you like to decorate your interior in the dark days before Christmas with a beautiful bouquet of roses? Then our pink winter bouquet is perfect for you! This bouquet exudes warmth and affection. The Sweet Revival roses used are beautiful, high-quality soft pink roses from Kenya. This makes them the perfect roses for a winter bouquet. Because Kenya is located on the equator, the roses are therefore not affected by the colder weather in the Netherlands while growing. The roses are then of very high quality all year round, including in winter. The bouquet is completed with beautiful green berries and pink gypsophila. This also goes well with the bouquet and the winter colours. To give the bouquet even more volume, chamomile and eucalyptus are also added. As a whole, you then get a high-quality winter bouquet with soft pink roses which is perfect as a gift for birthdays, Christmas or the turn of the year, for example. This winter bouquet is available in small, medium and large. Ideal for different occasions where you need a specific gift!