A purple rose is not something you see often. In fact, purple roses are not very common at the florist, nor is it easy for growers to keep the colour beautiful and the quality high at the same time. But it certainly can be done. These roses are purple and of very high quality! We will tell you all about the grower of this beautiful rose and, of course, about the rose itself!
The purple Queens Crown rose
As you can see, this rose is special to look at, the rose is not shaped like a classic rose. This rose is reminiscent of a David Austin rose and is sometimes compared to a peony. This is because of the many folded rose petals and the round shape of the rosebud. Most rose buds are oval and the rose petals are single folded or come open without a fold. This purple rose has an average of about 64 rose petals at the bud. This is a huge amount, as the average for a rose is about 30-35 rose petals! The rose is loved for these external features and has already stolen many hearts!

The difference with this rose
To properly see the difference between this particular rose from Ecuador and a somewhat more classic rose, it is good to put this rose next to another similar-coloured rose. Below you can see the Queens Crown rose, next to the Memory Lane rose. Also a purple rose, but a completely different shape!

Queens Crown
- Bud size: 6-6.5 cm
- Grower: Naranjo Roses
- Country of origin: Ecuador

Memory Lane
- Bud size: 4.5-5 cm
- Grower: Altima - Timaflor
- Country of origin: Kenya
Meaning of the purple rose
Due to the fact that purple roses are not very common, the purple rose also symbolises enchantment. Besides that enchantment, the purple rose symbolises love at first sight. The rose is therefore often given as a gift to loved ones for a birthday, anniversary, but of course also on Valentine's Day. So for Valentine's Day, if you don't want to go for the standard red rose that everyone chooses, go for the purple rose. Just to show that the recipient was your love at first sight!
The grower of this rose
This grower started growing roses in 2001, since then Naranjo has 4 nurseries with more than 55 hectares of land where they grow high quality roses. Naranjo Roses grows these roses just like the three other rose varieties coming from Ecuador in our range. In fact, these roses are very strong, because they get sun all day long in Ecuador. So strong that, with the right care, they can stay in the vase for over two weeks. Want to be sure of this? Then read our care tips, to get the most out of your roses! They also consider sustainability very important. They even have 6 certificates showing that they grow and ship sustainably around the world. Find out more about Naranjo as our grower on the page with all our growers.