- Choose a bouquet of roses;
- Place the bouquet in your shopping basket;
- For example, add the gypsophila to your shopping basket;
- Order your bouquet.
Our florists will then bind the roses and the chosen extra branches into a beautiful bouquet. So you can put together your own bouquet.
Compose your bouquet
Would you like to put together your own bouquet? Go to the category: choose your number. Choose the rose variety and the number of roses you would like in your bouquet. Would you like to have gypsophila, eucalyptus or bear grass in your bouquet? Add it to your shopping basket here. When you complete your order, we will make sure it is bound into 1 beautiful bouquet.
Order gypsophila in your rose bouquet
Brighten up your bouquet by having gypsophila tied through it. Our florists bind all bouquets by hand. If you would like drywall in between, you can add the drywall to your shopping basket and we will bind the gypsophila through your bouquet. This way you get a beautiful bouquet of roses with gypsophila. You can design your own bouquet all by yourself if you like!

Eucalyptus in your bouquet
Adding eucalyptus in your bouquet of roses gives your bouquet more playfulness. The branches of eucalyptus jump out of the bouquet, up between the roses. Eucalyptus makes the bouquet less classic and also smells really good!
Make 1 bouquet out of 2 bouquets
You can also combine several bouquets into 1 bouquet. We have a free product for this. Add the free product to your shopping basket and the two bouquets you would like to combine. We will make sure the bouquets are combined into one.
Please note that not everything is possible, usually a maximum of 100 roses can be bound in 1 bouquet. Of the large rose buds (such as the blue, black and rainbow roses) that number is lower. Why can't the bouquet be larger? Unfortunately it won't fit in the box and then we won't be able to send your bouquet.